Ever wondered why your morning cup of coffee can taste a bit off? The culprit might be hiding in an unexpected place: your toothpaste.
What even is SLS and why is it in my toothpaste? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, or SLS is a common ingredient in many household items, from your shampoo to your shaving cream. It’s primary function? To foam up while you brush creating a placebo effect that it is cleaning, however it has no benefits for your teeth. In short, it nukes your mouth and distorts your taste.
What SLS actually does is break down a protein in your palate increasing your sensitivity to bitter flavours and significantly changing your ability to taste. That’s why orange juice (or everything else for that matter) tastes so bad after brushing your teeth. The best news of all? You don’t actually need SLS maintain a clean, fresh and healthy mouth.
There are plenty of other ingredients that can get the job done, without the tastebud-tingling side effects. That’s where we come in. Tastebuds, the SLS-free toothpaste that cleans your teeth, freshens your breath, and keeps you tasting.
What’s the alternative to SLS toothpaste? So glad you asked. Meet Tastebuds, the SLS-free toothpaste that cleans your teeth, freshens your breath, and keeps you tasting. Check it out here.